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2022 - Hurricane Ian, Sept 28

1977 - 1st Book of Homes available

2005-2006 Blue Ribbon Plaque

Jul 07, 2023 - 11:53 AM

1983 - Poster Luau Weekend

1979 - Golf Course

1990 - Residents Purchased

Advertising - County Club Community

2000 - International Festival

Blue Ribbon Girls of Maple Leaf

1984 - Tornado, Storm 2nd Post Office

1981, 1988 - CanAm Capers

1980-81 Real Estate Happenings - MLGCC

1980, 1988 - Klondike Night

1980 - Aerial Views

1980 - Aerial Photo, Fire, Helicopter Ride, Post Card

1978 - First Homes

1977 - Construction of Main Building

1976 - Newspaper Hamilton

1976 - Flight Space

1977 - The Maple Leaflet March

1979 - Sewer plant

1976-1995 Picture of ML Estate History Book

Canoeing on pond by Clubhouse

1979 - 1980 Phase III

1978 - Pig Barbeque

1978 - MLE History Story

1979 - ML Two Flag - #1 in Charlotte County

1979 - ML Site Plan-Boathouse

1977 - ML Phase 2

1977 - ML Homeowners Asso Feb 3


Memorial Gardens

1979 - Maple Leaf Estates Newsletter (Sept)

1978 - Maple Leaf Estates May 4

1978 - Letter to Homeowners 2-5

1977 - Invitation to visit ML

1976 - FLY-BEFORE -YOU BUY 1976

1983 - ML President -Herb Stricker

1984 - ML President - Bob Vreeland

1984 - April Accents

2001 - Historical Committee

1992 - Satellite Dish Plaque

1989 - Bus Trips

1988 - Past President and Staff

1987 - Christmas Parade - Telephone Pioneers

1985-1995 Social Chairperson - Lee Bieri

1984 - Our Resident Author

1983 - Trip to the Baseball Game

1980 - Moch Wedding

1980 - Lawn Bowling - Catch Fishing

1980 - Fashion Shows

1979-1983 Fire Station

1979-80 Humpback Bridge

1977 - Parade, Canoeing

2009-2017 ML Rounders Toys for Tots